A Page About Life and Everything it Touches

Family LIFE

Adios, Breast Pump!

Adios, Breast Pump!

Six years ago when my son was born, I made the decision that I was going to exclusively breastfeed. But as a working mom, that also meant I made the decision to pump in order to supply enough to feed him during the day. So […]

Mermaid Themed. First Birthday. Cake Smash. Photo Shoot.

Mermaid Themed. First Birthday. Cake Smash. Photo Shoot.

When I was pregnant with my daughter, we didn’t make her a nursery.  We just bought her furniture and stuck it in our bedroom and kept the guest room the way that it was.  Second child syndrome for sure.  The only thing we had to […]

Renting a Stroller Saved My Sanity!

Renting a Stroller Saved My Sanity!

This blog post is sponsored by Kingdom Strollers.  All thoughts and opinions are my own. After my son was born, I knew that we were going to eventually have another kid, so I saved everything.  Five years later when I had my daughter, there wasn’t […]

Family LIFE

Family LIFE

Every person that is in a family has things that they appreciate that make their life easier on the day to day.  This section is all about what we can do to squeeze the most amount of time out of our day with our family. […]